Shop Message

庙色唇音乐酒吧与巨山种子咖啡,Dartslive2飞镖,结合成为咖啡音乐飞镖为主题的多元化娱乐场所。庙色唇来源于musician音乐人的粤语发音,酒吧风格结合古典与英伦风格设计,各种酒类无酒精饮品一应俱全,结合早c晚a的概念使店里无时无刻都注入到各位朋友的生活当中。店里经常有很多音乐人,鏢友,啡友,艺术家等各行各业志趣相投的朋友相聚一起enjoy the moment!

Business Hours Everyday 07:00~02:00
早C(咖啡)(7.00am-8.00pm) 晚A(酒吧)(8.00pm-凌晨2.00am)
Regular Closing Day Always open
Address 廣州市海珠區青蒲大街92號
(No. 92 Qingpu Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China)Show map
TEL 139-25010248
Nearest station   地铁江南西站  590m  B出口(富力海珠城)出入口   江南西路  203m 
Ambience Beginners Friendly /Great for Dates /Great for After 5
Options: Inhouse Instructors /Live Sports Screening /Party Props /Excellent Food Menu /Excellent Alcohol Menu /Machine Booking /Unlimited Play /Smoking /Credit Card /Reservation /Events Booking /Wi-fi Equipped

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